Život v komunite



Community magazine Naozaj

The magazine NAOZAJ was initiated by a handful of people who try to present the life in Zajezova with words of the locals. It gives space for interviews with both newcomers and original inhabitants, reports, news, poetry and novels. The magazine’s content is created by volunteers, the profit from its retail are used entirely for costs connected with the layout and print. The magazine was issued twice a year and its editor-in-chief is Anka Valentyniova. After a two years‘ break we now prepare to publish new issues in colaboration with this website.

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Komunitný časopis Naozaj

Časopis NAOZAJ vznikol ako iniciatíva niekoľkých ľudí, ktorí sa snažia predstaviť život v Zaježovej slovami miestnych obyvateľov. Je v ňom priestor pre rozhovory s novousadlíkmi aj starousadlíkmi, reportáže, správy, poéziu aj prózu. Obsah časopisu tvoria dobrovoľníci, zisk z predaja slúži iba na náklady spojené s tvorbou grafiky a tlačou. Časopis vychádzal 2-krát ročne a jeho šéfredaktorkou je Anka Valentýniová. Po dvojročnej prestávke sa súčasnosti pripravuje obnova časopisu a to v spolupráci s týmto portálom.

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Original inhabitants of Zaježová

Population of Zaježová was 600 people in 1950s. Currently it is 200, and many new inhabitants came just recently. Original inhabitants, newcomers, people in rented houses, weekend visitors - all of them are mixed geographically. There is big diversity between newcomers, but there is also big diversity between original inhabitants. But most of them are older people closely tied to this place and lifestyle of their ancestors. They keep livestock, fields, agricultural machinery and work till very high age. Cooperation between newcomers and original inhabitants is mutually beneficial.

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V Zaježovej žilo pred 50-imi rokmi 600 ľudí. V súčasnosti je to približne 200, pričom mnohí z nich sem prišli len relatívne nedávno. Pôvodní obyvatelia a novousadlíci, ale aj nájomníci a chalupári sú premiešaní po zaježovských  lazoch. Ako sú rôzni novousadlíci, rôzni sú aj starousadlíci. Väčšina z nich je  v staršom veku, viazaní sú na územie v ktorom prežili celý život a držia sa aj tradičného životného štýlu. Do vysokého veku sa starajú o hospodárske zvieratá, polia, sady.

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Preparation of firewood for Zajezka School

Common work of children and their parents while preparing firewood for school. This the way how to not only save some money, but also how to show children what is behind energy they use - how it is produced locally and how much work does it cost (not so much if we work together and have fun ;)  Pictures: Soňa Sadloňová - Sonasfoto

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Chystanie palivového dreva

Brigáda v zaježovskej škole, počas ktorej rodičia a deti chystali na zimu palivové drevo. Spoločná práca na takýchto brigádach nie je len spôsob, ako ušetriť financie na prevádzku školy, ale aj spôsob, ako učiť deti k prácovitosti a uvedomeniu, koľko práce je za teplom, ktoré v zime. A v neposlednom rade je to príjemná a zábavná spoločenská akcia. Fotky: Soňa Sadloňová

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Ecovillages: A Movement for lived sustainability

Ecovillages offer inspiring examples of how people and communities can live healthy, cooperative, genuinely happy and meaningful lifestyles --- More Information at http://ecovillage.org or http://www.gen-europe.org   Ecovillages are beacons of hope that help in the transition to a more sustainable future on Earth.

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Zaježka - new and old in harmony (in German)

TV report of Arte television about relations between ecovillagers and original inhabitants of Zajezova valley. It is in German only.

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